2.117. test_session module¶
- class test_session.TestSession(methodName='runTest')¶
Session Test Case
- setUp()¶
Clear trace before running each test
- classmethod setUpClass()¶
Perform class setup before running the testcase Remove shared memory files, start vpp and connect the vpp-api
- tearDown()¶
Show various debug prints after each test
- classmethod tearDownClass()¶
Perform final cleanup after running all tests in this test-case
- test_segment_manager_alloc()¶
Session Segment Manager Multiple Segment Allocation
- test_tags = [<TestCaseTag.FIXME_VPP_WORKERS: 2>]¶
- class test_session.TestSessionUnitTests(methodName='runTest')¶
Session Unit Tests Case
- setUp()¶
Clear trace before running each test
- classmethod setUpClass()¶
Perform class setup before running the testcase Remove shared memory files, start vpp and connect the vpp-api
- tearDown()¶
Show various debug prints after each test
- classmethod tearDownClass()¶
Perform final cleanup after running all tests in this test-case
- test_session()¶
Session Unit Tests
- test_tags = [<TestCaseTag.FIXME_VPP_WORKERS: 2>]¶
- class test_session.TestSvmFifoUnitTests(methodName='runTest')¶
SVM Fifo Unit Tests Case
- setUp()¶
Clear trace before running each test
- classmethod setUpClass()¶
Perform class setup before running the testcase Remove shared memory files, start vpp and connect the vpp-api
- tearDown()¶
Show various debug prints after each test
- classmethod tearDownClass()¶
Perform final cleanup after running all tests in this test-case
- test_svm_fifo()¶
SVM Fifo Unit Tests
- test_tags = [<TestCaseTag.RUN_SOLO: 1>]¶