2.26. test_bfd module¶
BFD tests
- class test_bfd.AuthKeyFactory¶
Factory class for creating auth keys with unique conf key ID
- create_random_key(test, auth_type=4)¶
create a random key with unique conf key id
- class test_bfd.BFD4TestCase(methodName='runTest')¶
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)
- pg0 = None¶
- setUp()¶
Clear trace before running each test
- classmethod setUpClass()¶
Perform class setup before running the testcase Remove shared memory files, start vpp and connect the vpp-api
- tearDown()¶
Show various debug prints after each test
- classmethod tearDownClass()¶
Perform final cleanup after running all tests in this test-case
- test_admin_up_down()¶
put session admin-up and admin-down
- test_config_change_remote_demand()¶
configuration change while peer in demand mode
- test_conn_down()¶
verify session goes down after inactivity
- test_echo()¶
echo function
- test_echo_fail()¶
session goes down if echo function fails
- test_echo_looped_back()¶
echo packets looped back
- test_echo_source_removed()¶
echo function stops if echo source is removed
- test_echo_stop()¶
echo function stops if peer sets required min echo rx zero
- test_hold_up()¶
hold BFD session up
- test_immediate_remote_min_rx_reduction()¶
immediately honor remote required min rx reduction
- test_intf_deleted()¶
interface with bfd session deleted
- test_invalid_echo_checksum()¶
echo packets with invalid checksum don’t keep a session up
- test_large_required_min_rx()¶
large remote required min rx interval
- test_modify_detect_mult()¶
modify detect multiplier
- test_modify_req_min_rx_double()¶
modify session - double required min rx
- test_modify_req_min_rx_halve()¶
modify session - halve required min rx
- test_no_periodic_if_remote_demand()¶
no periodic frames outside poll sequence if remote demand set
- test_peer_discr_reset_sess_down()¶
peer discriminator reset after session goes down
- test_poll_response()¶
test correct response to control frame with poll bit set
- test_queued_poll()¶
test poll sequence queueing
- test_session = None¶
- test_session_down()¶
bring BFD session down
- test_session_up()¶
bring BFD session up
- test_session_up_by_ip()¶
bring BFD session up - first frame looked up by address pair
- test_slow_timer()¶
verify slow periodic control frames while session down
- test_stale_echo()¶
stale echo packets don’t keep a session up
- test_tags = [<TestCaseTag.RUN_SOLO: 1>]¶
- test_zero_remote_min_rx()¶
no packets when zero remote required min rx interval
- vpp_clock_offset = None¶
- vpp_session = None¶
- class test_bfd.BFD6TestCase(methodName='runTest')¶
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) (IPv6)
- pg0 = None¶
- setUp()¶
Clear trace before running each test
- classmethod setUpClass()¶
Perform class setup before running the testcase Remove shared memory files, start vpp and connect the vpp-api
- tearDown()¶
Show various debug prints after each test
- classmethod tearDownClass()¶
Perform final cleanup after running all tests in this test-case
- test_echo()¶
echo function
- test_echo_looped_back()¶
echo packets looped back
- test_hold_up()¶
hold BFD session up
- test_intf_deleted()¶
interface with bfd session deleted
- test_session = None¶
- test_session_up()¶
bring BFD session up
- test_session_up_by_ip()¶
bring BFD session up - first frame looked up by address pair
- test_tags = [<TestCaseTag.FIXME_VPP_WORKERS: 2>, <TestCaseTag.RUN_SOLO: 1>]¶
- vpp_clock_offset = None¶
- vpp_session = None¶
- class test_bfd.BFDAPITestCase(methodName='runTest')¶
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) - API
- pg0 = None¶
- pg1 = None¶
- setUp()¶
Clear trace before running each test
- classmethod setUpClass()¶
Perform class setup before running the testcase Remove shared memory files, start vpp and connect the vpp-api
- classmethod tearDownClass()¶
Perform final cleanup after running all tests in this test-case
- test_activate_auth()¶
activate SHA1 authentication
- test_add_auth_nonexistent_key()¶
create BFD session using non-existent SHA1 (negative case)
- test_add_bfd()¶
create a BFD session
- test_add_bfd6()¶
create IPv6 BFD session
- test_add_bfd_sha1()¶
create a BFD session (SHA1)
- test_add_sha1_keys()¶
add SHA1 keys
- test_change_key()¶
change SHA1 key
- test_deactivate_auth()¶
deactivate SHA1 authentication
- test_double_add()¶
create the same BFD session twice (negative case)
- test_double_add_sha1()¶
create the same BFD session twice (negative case) (SHA1)
- test_mod_bfd()¶
modify BFD session parameters
- test_set_del_udp_echo_source()¶
set/del udp echo source
single SHA1 key shared by multiple BFD sessions
- class test_bfd.BFDAuthOnOffTestCase(methodName='runTest')¶
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) (changing auth)
- pg0 = None¶
- setUp()¶
Clear trace before running each test
- classmethod setUpClass()¶
Perform class setup before running the testcase Remove shared memory files, start vpp and connect the vpp-api
- tearDown()¶
Show various debug prints after each test
- classmethod tearDownClass()¶
Perform final cleanup after running all tests in this test-case
- test_auth_change_key_delayed()¶
change auth key without disturbing session state (delayed)
- test_auth_change_key_immediate()¶
change auth key without disturbing session state (immediate)
- test_auth_off_delayed()¶
turn auth off without disturbing session state (delayed)
- test_auth_off_immediate()¶
turn auth off without disturbing session state (immediate)
- test_auth_on_delayed()¶
turn auth on without disturbing session state (delayed)
- test_auth_on_immediate()¶
turn auth on without disturbing session state (immediate)
- test_session = None¶
- test_tags = [<TestCaseTag.RUN_SOLO: 1>]¶
- vpp_session = None¶
- class test_bfd.BFDCLITestCase(methodName='runTest')¶
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) (CLI)
- cli_verify_no_response(cli)¶
execute a CLI, asserting that the response is empty
- cli_verify_response(cli, expected)¶
execute a CLI, asserting that the response matches expectation
- pg0 = None¶
- setUp()¶
Clear trace before running each test
- classmethod setUpClass()¶
Perform class setup before running the testcase Remove shared memory files, start vpp and connect the vpp-api
- tearDown()¶
Show various debug prints after each test
- classmethod tearDownClass()¶
Perform final cleanup after running all tests in this test-case
- test_add_mod_del_bfd_udp()¶
create/modify/delete IPv4 BFD UDP session
- test_add_mod_del_bfd_udp6()¶
create/modify/delete IPv6 BFD UDP session
- test_add_mod_del_bfd_udp6_auth()¶
create/modify/delete IPv6 BFD UDP session (authenticated)
- test_add_mod_del_bfd_udp_auth()¶
create/modify/delete IPv4 BFD UDP session (authenticated)
- test_admin_up_down()¶
put session admin-up and admin-down
- test_auth_on_off()¶
turn authentication on and off
- test_auth_on_off_delayed()¶
turn authentication on and off (delayed)
- test_set_del_meticulous_sha1_key()¶
set/delete meticulous SHA1 auth key
- test_set_del_sha1_key()¶
set/delete SHA1 auth key
- test_set_del_udp_echo_source()¶
set/del udp echo source
- test_show()¶
show commands
- test_tags = [<TestCaseTag.RUN_SOLO: 1>]¶
- class test_bfd.BFDFIBTestCase(methodName='runTest')¶
BFD-FIB interactions (IPv6)
- static pkt_is_not_data_traffic(p)¶
not data traffic implies BFD or the usual IPv6 ND/RA
- setUp()¶
Clear trace before running each test
- classmethod setUpClass()¶
Perform class setup before running the testcase Remove shared memory files, start vpp and connect the vpp-api
- tearDown()¶
Show various debug prints after each test
- classmethod tearDownClass()¶
Perform final cleanup after running all tests in this test-case
- test_session = None¶
- test_session_with_fib()¶
BFD-FIB interactions
- test_tags = [<TestCaseTag.RUN_SOLO: 1>]¶
- vpp_session = None¶
- class test_bfd.BFDSHA1TestCase(methodName='runTest')¶
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) (SHA1 auth)
- execute_rogue_session_scenario(vpp_bfd_udp_session, legitimate_test_session, rogue_test_session, rogue_bfd_values=None)¶
execute a rogue session interaction scenario
create vpp session, add config
bring the legitimate session up
copy the bfd values from legitimate session to rogue session
apply rogue_bfd_values to rogue session
set rogue session state to down
send message to take the session down from the rogue session
assert that the legitimate session is unaffected
- pg0 = None¶
- setUp()¶
Clear trace before running each test
- classmethod setUpClass()¶
Perform class setup before running the testcase Remove shared memory files, start vpp and connect the vpp-api
- tearDown()¶
Show various debug prints after each test
- classmethod tearDownClass()¶
Perform final cleanup after running all tests in this test-case
- test_hold_up()¶
hold BFD session up
- test_hold_up_meticulous()¶
hold BFD session up - meticulous auth
- test_mismatch_auth()¶
session is not brought down by unauthenticated msg
- test_mismatch_bfd_key_id()¶
session is not brought down by msg with non-existent key-id
- test_mismatched_auth_type()¶
session is not brought down by msg with wrong auth type
- test_restart()¶
simulate remote peer restart and resynchronization
- test_send_bad_seq_number()¶
session is not kept alive by msgs with bad sequence numbers
- test_session = None¶
- test_session_up()¶
bring BFD session up
- test_tags = [<TestCaseTag.RUN_SOLO: 1>]¶
- vpp_clock_offset = None¶
- vpp_session = None¶
- class test_bfd.BFDTestSession(test, interface, af, detect_mult=3, sha1_key=None, bfd_key_id=None, our_seq_number=None, tunnel_header=None, phy_interface=None)¶
BFD session as seen from test framework side
- create_packet()¶
create a BFD packet, reflecting the current state of session
- fill_packet_fields(packet)¶
set packet fields with known values in packet
- inc_seq_num()¶
increment sequence number, wrapping if needed
- send_packet(packet=None, interface=None)¶
send packet on interface, creating the packet if needed
- update(my_discriminator=None, your_discriminator=None, desired_min_tx=None, required_min_rx=None, required_min_echo_rx=None, detect_mult=None, diag=None, state=None, auth_type=None)¶
update BFD parameters associated with session
- verify_bfd(packet)¶
Verify correctness of BFD layer.
- verify_sha1_auth(packet)¶
Verify correctness of authentication in BFD layer.
- class test_bfd.BFDTunTestCase(methodName='runTest')¶
BFD over GRE tunnel
- static pkt_is_not_data_traffic(p)¶
not data traffic implies BFD or the usual IPv6 ND/RA
- setUp()¶
Clear trace before running each test
- classmethod setUpClass()¶
Perform class setup before running the testcase Remove shared memory files, start vpp and connect the vpp-api
- tearDown()¶
Show various debug prints after each test
- classmethod tearDownClass()¶
Perform final cleanup after running all tests in this test-case
- test_bfd_o_gre()¶
- test_session = None¶
- vpp_session = None¶
- test_bfd.bfd_session_down(test)¶
Bring BFD session down
- test_bfd.bfd_session_up(test)¶
Bring BFD session up
- test_bfd.getrandbits(k) x. Generates an int with k random bits. ¶
- test_bfd.verify_bfd_session_config(test, session, state=None)¶
- test_bfd.verify_event(test, event, expected_state)¶
Verify correctness of event values.
- test_bfd.verify_ip(test, packet)¶
Verify correctness of IP layer.
- test_bfd.verify_udp(test, packet)¶
Verify correctness of UDP layer.
- test_bfd.wait_for_bfd_packet(test, timeout=1, pcap_time_min=None, is_tunnel=False)¶
wait for BFD packet and verify its correctness
- Parameters
timeout – how long to wait
pcap_time_min – ignore packets with pcap timestamp lower than this
- Returns
tuple (packet, time spent waiting for packet)