2.75. test_l2bd_arp_term module¶
L2BD ARP term Test
- class test_l2bd_arp_term.TestL2bdArpTerm(methodName='runTest')¶
L2BD arp termination Test Case
- add_del_arp_term_hosts(entries, bd_id=1, is_add=1, is_ipv6=0)¶
- arp_event_host(e)¶
- arp_event_hosts(evs)¶
- classmethod arp_req(src_host, host)¶
- classmethod arp_reqs(src_host, entries)¶
- arp_resp_host(src_host, arp_resp)¶
- arp_resp_hosts(src_host, pkts)¶
- bd_add_del(bd_id=1, is_add=1)¶
- classmethod bd_swifs(b)¶
- classmethod garp_req(host)¶
- classmethod garp_reqs(entries)¶
- static inttoip4(ip)¶
- classmethod ip4_host(subnet, host, mac)¶
- classmethod ip4_hosts(subnet, start, mac_list)¶
- classmethod ip6_host(subnet, host, mac)¶
- classmethod ip6_hosts(subnet, start, mac_list)¶
- classmethod mac_list(b6_range)¶
- na_resp_host(src_host, rx)¶
- na_resp_hosts(src_host, pkts)¶
- nd_event_host(e)¶
- nd_event_hosts(evs)¶
- classmethod ns_req(src_host, host)¶
- classmethod ns_reqs_dst(entries, dst_host)¶
- classmethod ns_reqs_src(src_host, entries)¶
- setUp()¶
Clear trace and packet infos before running each test.
- classmethod setUpClass()¶
Perform standard class setup (defined by class method setUpClass in class VppTestCase) before running the test case, set test case related variables and configure VPP.
- set_bd_flags(bd_id, **args)¶
Enable/disable defined feature(s) of the bridge domain.
- Parameters
bd_id (int) – Bridge domain ID.
args (list) – List of feature/status pairs. Allowed features: learn, forward, flood, uu_flood and arp_term. Status False means disable, status True means enable the feature.
- Raise
ValueError in case of unknown feature in the input.
- show_commands_at_teardown()¶
Allow subclass specific teardown logging additions.
- tearDown()¶
Show various debug prints after each test.
- classmethod tearDownClass()¶
Perform final cleanup after running all tests in this test-case
- test_l2bd_arp_term_01()¶
L2BD arp term - add 5 hosts, verify arp responses
- test_l2bd_arp_term_02()¶
L2BD arp term - delete 3 hosts, verify arp responses
- test_l2bd_arp_term_03()¶
L2BD arp term - recreate BD1, readd 3 hosts, verify arp responses
- test_l2bd_arp_term_04()¶
L2BD arp term - 2 IP4 addrs per host
- test_l2bd_arp_term_05()¶
L2BD arp term - create and update 10 IP4-mac pairs
- test_l2bd_arp_term_06()¶
L2BD arp/ND term - hosts with both ip4/ip6
- test_l2bd_arp_term_07()¶
L2BD ND term - Add and Del hosts, verify ND replies
- test_l2bd_arp_term_08()¶
L2BD ND term - Add and update IP+mac, verify ND replies
- test_l2bd_arp_term_09()¶
L2BD arp term - send garps, verify arp event reports
- test_l2bd_arp_term_10()¶
L2BD arp term - send duplicate garps, verify suppression
- test_l2bd_arp_term_11()¶
L2BD arp term - disable ip4 arp events,send garps, verify no events
- test_l2bd_arp_term_12()¶
L2BD ND term - send NS packets verify reports
- test_l2bd_arp_term_13()¶
L2BD ND term - send duplicate ns, verify suppression
- test_l2bd_arp_term_14()¶
L2BD ND term - disable ip4 arp events,send ns, verify no events
- verify_arp(src_host, req_hosts, resp_hosts, bd_id=1)¶
- verify_nd(src_host, req_hosts, resp_hosts, bd_id=1)¶