2.63. test_ip6_vrf_multi_instance module¶
IP6 VRF Multi-instance Test Case HLD:
higher number of pg-ip6 interfaces causes problems => only 15 pg-ip6 interfaces in 5 VRFs are tested
jumbo packets in configuration with 15 pg-ip6 interfaces leads to problems too
- config 1
add 15 pg-ip6 interfaces
configure 5 hosts per pg-ip6 interface
configure 4 VRFs
add 3 pg-ip6 interfaces per VRF
- test 1
send IP6 packets between all pg-ip6 interfaces in all VRF groups
- verify 1
check VRF data by parsing output of ip_route_dump API command
all packets received correctly in case of pg-ip6 interfaces in the same VRF
no packet received in case of pg-ip6 interfaces not in VRF
no packet received in case of pg-ip6 interfaces in different VRFs
- config 2
reset 2 VRFs
- test 2
send IP6 packets between all pg-ip6 interfaces in all VRF groups
- verify 2
check VRF data by parsing output of ip_route_dump API command
all packets received correctly in case of pg-ip6 interfaces in the same VRF
no packet received in case of pg-ip6 interfaces not in VRF
no packet received in case of pg-ip6 interfaces in different VRFs
- config 3
add 1 of reset VRFs and 1 new VRF
- test 3
send IP6 packets between all pg-ip6 interfaces in all VRF groups
- verify 3
check VRF data by parsing output of ip_route_dump API command
all packets received correctly in case of pg-ip6 interfaces in the same VRF
no packet received in case of pg-ip6 interfaces not in VRF
no packet received in case of pg-ip6 interfaces in different VRFs
- config 4
reset all VRFs (i.e. no VRF except VRF=0 created)
- test 4
send IP6 packets between all pg-ip6 interfaces in all VRF groups
- verify 4
check VRF data by parsing output of ip_route_dump API command
all packets received correctly in case of pg-ip6 interfaces in the same VRF
no packet received in case of pg-ip6 interfaces not in VRF
no packet received in case of pg-ip6 interfaces in different VRFs
- class test_ip6_vrf_multi_instance.TestIP6VrfMultiInst(methodName='runTest')¶
IP6 VRF Multi-instance Test Case
- create_stream(src_if, packet_sizes)¶
Create input packet stream for defined interface using hosts list.
- Parameters
src_if (object) – Interface to create packet stream for.
packet_sizes (list) – List of required packet sizes.
- Returns
Stream of packets.
- create_stream_crosswise_vrf(src_if, vrf_id, packet_sizes)¶
Create input packet stream for negative test for leaking across different VRFs for defined interface using hosts list.
- Parameters
src_if (object) – Interface to create packet stream for.
vrf_id (int) – The FIB table / VRF ID where src_if is assigned.
packet_sizes (list) – List of required packet sizes.
- Returns
Stream of packets.
- create_vrf_and_assign_interfaces(count, start=1)¶
Create required number of FIB tables / VRFs, put 3 pg-ip6 interfaces to every FIB table / VRF.
- Parameters
count (int) – Number of FIB tables / VRFs to be created.
start (int) – Starting number of the FIB table / VRF ID. (Default value = 1)
- create_vrf_by_id_and_assign_interfaces(set_id, vrf_id=4294967295)¶
Create a FIB table / VRF by vrf_id, put 3 pg-ip6 interfaces to FIB table / VRF.
- Parameters
vrf_id (int) – Required table ID / VRF ID. (Default value = 0xffffffff, ID will be selected automatically)
- reset_vrf_and_remove_from_vrf_list(vrf_id, if_set_id=None)¶
Reset required FIB table / VRF and remove it from VRF list.
- Parameters
vrf_id (int) – The FIB table / VRF ID to be reset.
- run_crosswise_vrf_test()¶
Create packet streams for every pg-ip6 interface in VRF towards all pg-ip6 interfaces in other VRFs, send all prepared packet streams and verify that:
no packet received on all configured pg-ip6 interfaces
- Raises
RuntimeError – If any packet is captured on any pg-ip6 interface.
- run_verify_test()¶
- Create packet streams for all configured pg interfaces, send all prepared packet streams and verify that:
all packets received correctly on all pg-ip6 interfaces assigned to VRFs
no packet received on all pg-ip6 interfaces not assigned to VRFs
- Raises
RuntimeError – If no packet captured on pg-ip6 interface assigned to VRF or if any packet is captured on pg-ip6 interface not assigned to VRF.
- setUp()¶
Clear trace and packet infos before running each test.
- classmethod setUpClass()¶
Perform standard class setup (defined by class method setUpClass in class VppTestCase) before running the test case, set test case related variables and configure VPP.
- show_commands_at_teardown()¶
Allow subclass specific teardown logging additions.
- tearDown()¶
Show various debug prints after each test.
- classmethod tearDownClass()¶
Perform final cleanup after running all tests in this test-case
- test_ip6_vrf_01()¶
IP6 VRF Multi-instance test 1 - create 4 VRFs
- test_ip6_vrf_02()¶
IP6 VRF Multi-instance test 2 - reset 2 VRFs
- test_ip6_vrf_03()¶
IP6 VRF Multi-instance 3 - add 2 VRFs
- test_ip6_vrf_04()¶
IP6 VRF Multi-instance test 4 - reset 4 VRFs
- test_ip6_vrf_05()¶
IP6 VRF Multi-instance test 5 - auto allocate vrf id
- verify_capture(pg_if, capture)¶
Verify captured input packet stream for defined interface.
- Parameters
pg_if (object) – Interface to verify captured packet stream for.
capture (list) – Captured packet stream.
- verify_vrf(vrf_id, if_set_id=None)¶
Check if the FIB table / VRF ID is configured.
- Parameters
vrf_id (int) – The FIB table / VRF ID to be verified.
- Returns
1 if the FIB table / VRF ID is configured, otherwise return 0.
- test_ip6_vrf_multi_instance.is_ipv6_misc_ext(p)¶
Is packet one of uninteresting IPv6 broadcasts (extended to filter out ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - Neighbor Advertisement packets too)?