TRex Stateless ModeΒΆ

TRex can also be run in a stateless mode. For a detailed description of TRex stateless support please refer to TRex Stateless Support.

In this section we show some simple examples using TRex stateless mode. These examples use the configuration as shown in the section Using VPP with TRex. These examples we will be using VMWare VMs.

To use TRex stateless mode we use 2 terminals on the TRex traffic generator node. One terminal will be used for the TRex console and one to monitor the traffic.

In one of terminals start TRex in stateless mode. Use Ctrl-C to stop.

# cd v2.46/
# ./trex -i
-Per port stats table
      ports |               0 |               1 |               2 |               3
   opackets |               0 |               0 |               0 |               0
     obytes |               0 |               0 |               0 |               0
   ipackets |               6 |               6 |               5 |               5
     ibytes |             384 |             384 |             320 |             320
    ierrors |               0 |               0 |               0 |               0
    oerrors |               0 |               0 |               0 |               0
      Tx Bw |       0.00  bps |       0.00  bps |       0.00  bps |       0.00  bps

-Global stats enabled
 Cpu Utilization : 0.0  %
 Platform_factor : 1.0
 Total-Tx        :       0.00  bps
 Total-Rx        :     238.30  bps
 Total-PPS       :       0.00  pps
 Total-CPS       :       0.00  cps

 Expected-PPS    :       0.00  pps
 Expected-CPS    :       0.00  cps
 Expected-BPS    :       0.00  bps

 Active-flows    :        0  Clients :        0   Socket-util : 0.0000 %
 Open-flows      :        0  Servers :        0   Socket :        0 Socket/Clients :  -nan
 drop-rate       :       0.00  bps
 current time    : 21.4 sec
 test duration   : 0.0 sec
 *** TRex is shutting down - cause: 'CTRL + C detected'
 All cores stopped !!

In the other terminal start the TRex console. With this console we will execute the TRex commands.

# cd v2.46/
# ./trex -console

Using 'python' as Python interpreter

Connecting to RPC server on localhost:4501                   [SUCCESS]

Connecting to publisher server on localhost:4500             [SUCCESS]

Acquiring ports [0, 1, 2, 3]:                                [SUCCESS]

Server Info:

Server version:   v2.46 @ STL
Server mode:      Stateless
Server CPU:       2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz
Ports count:      4 x 10Gbps @ VMXNET3 Ethernet Controller

-=TRex Console v3.0=-

Type 'help' or '?' for supported actions

Start some traffic using the stl/ traffic profile.

trex>start -f ./stl/ -p 0 1 2 3 -m 9475mbps

Removing all streams from port(s) [0, 1, 2, 3]:              [SUCCESS]

Attaching 3 streams to port(s) [0]:                          [SUCCESS]

Attaching 3 streams to port(s) [1]:                          [SUCCESS]

Attaching 3 streams to port(s) [2]:                          [SUCCESS]

Attaching 3 streams to port(s) [3]:                          [SUCCESS]

Starting traffic on port(s) [0, 1, 2, 3]:                    [SUCCESS]

80.94 [ms]


The -f ./stl/ argument specifies the file that is used to create the traffic profile. The argument -p 0 1 2 3 specifies the ports to be used. The argument -m 9475mbps the number of packets/sec to be used. All the arguments can be displayed with the -h argument.

In the other terminal the display shows the statistics related the traffic flows.

-Per port stats table
      ports |               0 |               1 |               2 |               3
   opackets |       789907304 |       789894738 |       790017701 |       790017132
     obytes |    285397726750 |    285392406754 |    285406864578 |    285405883070
   ipackets |      1563501970 |              45 |      1563504693 |              44
     ibytes |    564870783050 |            2880 |    564873491682 |            2816
    ierrors |        15728759 |               0 |        15732451 |               0
    oerrors |               0 |               0 |               0 |               0
      Tx Bw |     606.55 Mbps |     606.19 Mbps |     606.25 Mbps |     606.51 Mbps

-Global stats enabled
 Cpu Utilization : 100.0  %  2.4 Gb/core
 Platform_factor : 1.0
 Total-Tx        :       2.43 Gbps
 Total-Rx        :       2.40 Gbps
 Total-PPS       :     841.44 Kpps
 Total-CPS       :       0.00  cps

 Expected-PPS    :       0.00  pps
 Expected-CPS    :       0.00  cps
 Expected-BPS    :       0.00  bps

 Active-flows    :        0  Clients :        0   Socket-util : 0.0000 %
 Open-flows      :        0  Servers :        0   Socket :        0 Socket/Clients :  -nan
 Total_queue_full : 6529970196
 drop-rate       :       0.00  bps
 current time    : 4016.8 sec
 test duration   : 0.0 sec

More statistics can be displayed on the TRex console using the tui command.


Global Statistics

connection   : localhost, Port 4501                  total_tx_L2  : 2.45 Gb/sec
version      : STL @ v2.46                           total_tx_L1  : 2.59 Gb/sec
cpu_util.    : 99.89% @ 2 cores (1 per port)         total_rx     : 2.42 Gb/sec
rx_cpu_util. : 4.03% / 837.39 Kpkt/sec               total_pps    : 846.96 Kpkt/sec
async_util.  : 0.05% / 1.76 KB/sec                   drop_rate    : 0 b/sec
                                                     queue_full   : 42,750,771 pkts

Port Statistics

   port    |         0         |         1         |         2         |         3         |       total
owner      |              root |              root |              root |              root |
link       |                UP |                UP |                UP |                UP |
speed      |           10 Gb/s |           10 Gb/s |           10 Gb/s |           10 Gb/s |
CPU util.  |            99.89% |            99.89% |            99.89% |            99.89% |
--         |                   |                   |                   |                   |
Tx bps L2  |       612.76 Mbps |       613.07 Mbps |       612.52 Mbps |       612.77 Mbps |         2.45 Gbps
Tx bps L1  |       646.64 Mbps |       646.96 Mbps |        646.4 Mbps |       646.64 Mbps |         2.59 Gbps
Tx pps     |       211.72 Kpps |        211.8 Kpps |       211.73 Kpps |       211.71 Kpps |       846.96 Kpps
Line Util. |            6.47 % |            6.47 % |            6.46 % |            6.47 % |
---        |                   |                   |                   |                   |
Rx bps     |         1.21 Gbps |     \u25bc\u25bc\u25bc 23.03 bps |         1.21 Gbps |          5.94 bps |         2.42 G    bps
Rx pps     |       418.59 Kpps |          0.04 pps |       418.77 Kpps |          0.01 pps |       837.36 Kpps
----       |                   |                   |                   |                   |
opackets   |           5227126 |           5227271 |           5432528 |           5432354 |          21319279
ipackets   |          10526000 |                 5 |          10527054 |                 4 |          21053063
obytes     |        1890829910 |        1891039152 |        1965259162 |        1965124338 |        7712252562
ibytes     |        3807894454 |               320 |        3808149896 |               256 |        7616044926
tx-pkts    |        5.23 Mpkts |        5.23 Mpkts |        5.43 Mpkts |        5.43 Mpkts |       21.32 Mpkts
rx-pkts    |       10.53 Mpkts |            5 pkts |       10.53 Mpkts |            4 pkts |       21.05 Mpkts
tx-bytes   |           1.89 GB |           1.89 GB |           1.97 GB |           1.97 GB |           7.71 GB
rx-bytes   |           3.81 GB |             320 B |           3.81 GB |             256 B |           7.62 GB
-----      |                   |                   |                   |                   |
oerrors    |                 0 |                 0 |                 0 |                 0 |                 0
ierrors    |           133,370 |                 0 |           132,529 |                 0 |           265,899