16 #ifndef __FIB_PATH_EXT_H__ 17 #define __FIB_PATH_EXT_H__ 40 #define fpe_label_stack fpe_path.frp_label_stack
A representation of a path as described by a route producer.
load_balance_path_t * fib_path_ext_stack(fib_path_ext_t *path_ext, const struct fib_entry_t_ *entry, fib_forward_chain_type_t fct, load_balance_path_t *nhs)
u8 * format_fib_path_ext(u8 *s, va_list *args)
u32 fib_node_index_t
A typedef of a node index.
void fib_path_ext_resolve(fib_path_ext_t *path_ext, fib_node_index_t path_list_index)
void fib_path_ext_init(fib_path_ext_t *path_ext, fib_node_index_t path_list_index, const fib_route_path_t *rpath)
enum fib_forward_chain_type_t_ fib_forward_chain_type_t
FIB output chain type.
fib_node_index_t fpe_path_index
The index of the path.
One path from an [EU]CMP set that the client wants to add to a load-balance object.
int fib_path_ext_cmp(fib_path_ext_t *path_ext, const fib_route_path_t *rpath)
struct fib_path_ext_t_ fib_path_ext_t
A path extension is a per-entry addition to the forwarding information when packets are sent for that...
A path extension is a per-entry addition to the forwarding information when packets are sent for that...
fib_route_path_t fpe_path
A description of the path that is being extended.