VPP Performance
DPDK Performance
VPP Device
VPP Functional
HoneyComb Functional
NSH_SFC Functional
DMM Functional
Detailed Results
- VPP Throughput
- VPP K8s Container Memif
- DPDK Throughput
- VPP Functional
- VPP Device
- HoneyComb Functional
- mgmt-cfg-acl-apihc-apivat-func
- mgmt-cfg-apihcv6-func
- mgmt-cfg-bgp-apihc-func
- mgmt-cfg-dhcp-apihc-apivat-func
- mgmt-cfg-int-apihcnc-func
- mgmt-cfg-int-subint-apihc-apivat-func
- mgmt-cfg-intip4-intip6-apihc-apivat-func
- mgmt-cfg-inttap-apihc-apivat-func
- mgmt-cfg-intvhost-apihc-apivat-func
- mgmt-cfg-l2bd-apihc-apivat-func
- mgmt-cfg-l2fib-apihc-apivat-func
- mgmt-cfg-lisp-apihc-apivat-func
- mgmt-cfg-lispgpe-apihc-apivat-func
- mgmt-cfg-pbb-apihc-apivat-func
- mgmt-cfg-pluginacl-apihc-apivat-func
- mgmt-cfg-policer-apihc-func
- mgmt-cfg-proxyarp-apihc-func
- mgmt-cfg-proxynd6-apihc-func
- mgmt-cfg-routing-apihc-apivat-func
- mgmt-cfg-slaac-apihc-func
- mgmt-cfg-snat44-apihc-apivat-func
- mgmt-cfg-spanrx-apihc-apivat-func
- mgmt-cfg-vxlan-apihc-apivat-func
- mgmt-cfg-vxlangpe-apihc-apivat-func
- mgmt-notif-apihcnc-func
- mgmt-statepersist-apihc-func
- NSH SFC Functional
- DMM Functional
Test Configuration
Test Operational Data
CSIT Framework Documentation
- Design
- Test Naming
- Presentation and Analytics
- CSIT RF Tags Descriptions
- Topology TAGs
- Objective TAGs
- Environment TAGs
- NIC model tags
- Scaling TAGs
- Tags marking functional vs. performance of tests
- Performance testing tags
- Ethernet frame size tags for performance tests
- Test type tags
- Forwarding mode tags
- Underlay tags
- Overlay tags
- Tagging tags
- Encapsulation tags
- Interface tags
- Feature tags
- Encryption tags
- Client-workload tags
- Container orchestration tags
- Multi-threading tags
- Honeycomb tags
Indices and tables