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Vector Packet Processing
Stateful NAT64 in VPP allows IPv6-only clients to contact IPv4 servers using unicast UDP, TCP, or ICMP based on RFC 6146.
set interface nat64 in|out <intfc> [del]
in: inside/local/IPv6 network out: outside/external/IPv4 network intfc: interface name
One or more public IPv4 addresses assigned to a NAT64 are shared among several IPv6-only clients.
nat64 add pool address <ip4-range-start> [- <ip4-range-end>] [tenant-vrf <tenant-vrf-id>] [del]
ip4-range-start: First IPv4 address of the range ip4-range-end: Last IPv4 address of the range (optional, not used for single address) tenant-vrf-id: VRF id of the tenant associated with the pool address (optional, if not set pool address is global)
Stateful NAT64 also supports IPv4-initiated communications to a subset of the IPv6 hosts through staticaly configured bindings.
nat64 add static bib <ip6-addr> <in-port> <ip4-addr> <out-port> tcp|udp|icmp [vfr <table-id>] [del]
ip6-addr: inside IPv6 address of the host in-port: inside port or ICMPv6 identifier ip4-addr: outside IPv4 address of the host out-port: outside port or ICMPv4 identifier table-id: VRF id of the tenant associated with the BIB entry (optional, default use global VRF)
Session is deleted when timer expires. If all sessions corresponding to a dynamically create BIB entry are deleted, then the BIB entry is also deleted. When packets are flowing sessiom timer is refreshed to keep the session alive.
set nat64 timeouts udp <sec> icmp <sec> tcp-trans <sec> tcp-est <sec> tcp-incoming-syn <sec> | reset
udp: UDP session timeout value (default 300sec) icmp: ICMP session timeout value (default 60sec) tcp-trans: transitory TCP session timeout value (default 240sec) tcp-est: established TCP session timeout value (default 7440sec) tcp-incoming-syn: incoming SYN TCP session timeout value (default 6sec) reset: reset timers to default values
Stateful NAT64 support the algorithm for generating IPv6 representations of IPv4 addresses defined in RFC 6052. If no prefix is configured, Well-Known Prefix (64:ff9b::/96) is used.
nat64 add prefix <ip6-prefix>/<plen> [tenant-vrf <vrf-id>] [del]
ip6-prefix: IPv6 prefix plen: prefix length (valid values: 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, or 96) tenant-vrf: VRF id of the tenant associated with the prefix
show nat64 pool show nat64 interfaces show nat64 bib tcp|udp|icmp show nat64 session table tcp|udp|icmp show nat64 timeouts show nat64 prefix
Multi thread is not supported yet (CLI/API commands are disabled when VPP runs with multiple threads).