FD.io VPP  v17.04-9-g99c0734
Vector Packet Processing
Layer 2 CLI

clear l2fib


clear l2fib.


This command clears all the MAC Address entries from the L2 FIB table.

Example usage
Example of how to clear the L2 FIB Table:
vpp# clear l2fib
Example to show the L2 FIB Table has been cleared:
vpp# show l2fib verbose
no l2fib entries

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: clear_l2fib_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_fib.c line 302)

Implementation: clear_l2fib.

l2 rewrite entry


l2 rewrite entry [index <index>] [mask <hex-mask>] [value <hex-value>] [skip <n_bytes>] [del].


Layer 2-Rewrite node uses classify tables to match packets. Then, using the provisioned mask and value, modfies the packet header.

Example usage
This is incomplete. This needs a detailed description and a practical example.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: l2_rw_entry_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_rw.c line 458)

Implementation: l2_rw_entry_cli_fn.

l2fib add


l2fib add <mac> <bridge-domain-id> filter | <intf> [static | bvi].


This command adds a MAC Address entry to the L2 FIB table of an existing bridge-domain. The MAC Address can be static or dynamic. This command also allows a filter to be added, such that packets with given MAC Addresses (source mac or destination mac match) are dropped.

Example usage
Example of how to add a dynamic MAC Address entry to the L2 FIB table of a bridge-domain (where 200 is the bridge-domain-id):
vpp# l2fib add 52:54:00:53:18:33 200 GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200
Example of how to add a static MAC Address entry to the L2 FIB table of a bridge-domain (where 200 is the bridge-domain-id):
vpp# l2fib add 52:54:00:53:18:55 200 GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200 static
Example of how to add a filter such that a packet with the given MAC Address will be dropped in a given bridge-domain (where 200 is the bridge-domain-id):
vpp# l2fib add 52:54:00:53:18:77 200 filter
Example of show command of the provisioned MAC Addresses and filters:
vpp# show l2fib verbose
    Mac Address     BD Idx           Interface           Index  static  filter  bvi  refresh  timestamp
 52:54:00:53:18:33    1      GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200      3       0       0     0      0         0
 52:54:00:53:18:55    1      GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200      3       1       0     0      0         0
 52:54:00:53:18:77    1                 N/A                -1      1       1     0      0         0
3 l2fib entries

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: l2fib_add_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_fib.c line 463)

Implementation: l2fib_add.

l2fib del


l2fib del <mac> <bridge-domain-id>.


This command deletes an existing MAC Address entry from the L2 FIB table of an existing bridge-domain.

Example usage
Example of how to delete a MAC Address entry from the L2 FIB table of a bridge-domain (where 200 is the bridge-domain-id):
vpp# l2fib del 52:54:00:53:18:33 200

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: l2fib_del_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_fib.c line 709)

Implementation: l2fib_del.

l2fib flush-mac bridge-domain


l2fib flush-mac bridge-domain <bd-id>.


This command kick off ager to delete all existing MAC Address entries, except static ones, in a bridge domain from the L2 FIB table.

Example usage
Example of how to flush MAC Address entries learned in a bridge domain from the L2 FIB table:
vpp# l2fib flush-mac bridge-domain 1000

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: l2fib_flush_mac_bd_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_fib.c line 844)

Implementation: l2fib_flush_mac_bd.

l2fib flush-mac interface


l2fib flush-mac interface <if-name>.


This command kick off ager to delete all existing MAC Address entries, except static ones, associated with an interface from the L2 FIB table.

Example usage
Example of how to flush MAC Address entries learned on an interface from the L2 FIB table:
vpp# l2fib flush-mac interface GigabitEthernet2/1/0

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: l2fib_flush_mac_int_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_fib.c line 795)

Implementation: l2fib_flush_mac_int.

set bridge-domain arp entry


set bridge-domain arp entry <bridge-domain-id> <ip-addr> <mac-addr> [del].


Add an ARP entry to an existing bridge-domain.

Example usage
Example of how to add an ARP entry (where 200 is the bridge-domain-id):
vpp# set bridge-domain arp entry 200 52:54:00:3b:83:1a
Example of how to delete an ARP entry (where 200 is the bridge-domain-id):
vpp# set bridge-domain arp entry 200 52:54:00:3b:83:1a del

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: bd_arp_entry_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_bd.c line 849)

Implementation: bd_arp_entry.

set bridge-domain arp term


set bridge-domain arp term <bridge-domain-id> [disable].


Modify whether or not an existing bridge-domain should terminate and respond to ARP Requests. ARP Termination is disabled by default.

Example usage
Example of how to enable ARP termination (where 200 is the bridge-domain-id):
vpp# set bridge-domain arp term 200
Example of how to disable ARP termination (where 200 is the bridge-domain-id):
vpp# set bridge-domain arp term 200 disable

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: bd_arp_term_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_bd.c line 677)

Implementation: bd_arp_term.

set bridge-domain flood


set bridge-domain flood <bridge-domain-id> [disable].


Layer 2 flooding can be enabled and disabled on each interface and on each bridge-domain. Use this command to manage bridge-domains. It is enabled by default.

Example usage
Example of how to enable flooding (where 200 is the bridge-domain-id):
vpp# set bridge-domain flood 200
Example of how to disable flooding (where 200 is the bridge-domain-id):
vpp# set bridge-domain flood 200 disable

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: bd_flood_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_bd.c line 484)

Implementation: bd_flood.

set bridge-domain forward


set bridge-domain forward <bridge-domain-id> [disable].


Layer 2 unicast forwarding can be enabled and disabled on each interface and on each bridge-domain. Use this command to manage bridge-domains. It is enabled by default.

Example usage
Example of how to enable forwarding (where 200 is the bridge-domain-id):
vpp# set bridge-domain forward 200
Example of how to disable forwarding (where 200 is the bridge-domain-id):
vpp# set bridge-domain forward 200 disable

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: bd_fwd_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_bd.c line 418)

Implementation: bd_fwd.

set bridge-domain learn


set bridge-domain learn <bridge-domain-id> [disable].


Layer 2 learning can be enabled and disabled on each interface and on each bridge-domain. Use this command to manage bridge-domains. It is enabled by default.

Example usage
Example of how to enable learning (where 200 is the bridge-domain-id):
vpp# set bridge-domain learn 200
Example of how to disable learning (where 200 is the bridge-domain-id):
vpp# set bridge-domain learn 200 disable

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: bd_learn_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_bd.c line 352)

Implementation: bd_learn.

set bridge-domain mac-age


set bridge-domain mac-age <bridge-domain-id> <mins>.


Layer 2 mac aging can be enabled and disabled on each bridge-domain. Use this command to set or disable mac aging on specific bridge-domains. It is disabled by default.

Example usage
Example of how to set mac aging (where 200 is the bridge-domain-id and 5 is aging time in minutes):
vpp# set bridge-domain mac-age 200 5
Example of how to disable mac aging (where 200 is the bridge-domain-id):
vpp# set bridge-domain flood 200 0

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: bd_mac_age_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_bd.c line 659)

Implementation: bd_mac_age.

set bridge-domain rewrite


set bridge-domain rewrite <bridge-domain> [disable].


Layer 2-Rewrite node uses classify tables to match packets. Then, using the provisioned mask and value, modfies the packet header.

Example usage
This is incomplete. This needs a detailed description and a practical example.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: l2_rw_set_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_rw.c line 649)

Implementation: l2_rw_set_cli_fn.

set bridge-domain uu-flood


set bridge-domain uu-flood <bridge-domain-id> [disable].


Layer 2 unknown-unicast flooding can be enabled and disabled on each bridge-domain. It is enabled by default.

Example usage
Example of how to enable unknown-unicast flooding (where 200 is the bridge-domain-id):
vpp# set bridge-domain uu-flood 200
Example of how to disable unknown-unicast flooding (where 200 is the bridge-domain-id):
vpp# set bridge-domain uu-flood 200 disable

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: bd_uu_flood_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_bd.c line 550)

Implementation: bd_uu_flood.

set interface acl output


set interface acl output <interface> [disable].

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: int_l2_outacl_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_output_acl.c line 344)

Implementation: int_l2_outacl.

set interface l2 bridge


set interface l2 bridge <interface> <bridge-domain-id> [bvi] [shg].


Use this command put an interface into Layer 2 bridge domain. If a bridge-domain with the provided bridge-domain-id does not exist, it will be created. Interfaces in a bridge-domain forward packets to other interfaces in the same bridge-domain based on destination mac address. To remove an interface from a the Layer 2 bridge domain, put the interface in a different mode, for example Layer 3 mode.

Optionally, an interface can be added to a Layer 2 bridge-domain as a Bridged Virtual Interface (bvi). Only one interface in a Layer 2 bridge-domain can be a bvi.

Optionally, a split-horizon group can also be specified. This defaults to 0 if not specified.

Example usage
Example of how to configure a Layer 2 bridge-domain with three interfaces (where 200 is the bridge-domain-id):
vpp# set interface l2 bridge GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200 200
This interface is added a BVI interface:
vpp# set interface l2 bridge GigabitEthernet0/9/0.200 200 bvi
This interface also has a split-horizon group of 1 specified:
vpp# set interface l2 bridge GigabitEthernet0/a/0.200 200 1
Example of how to remove an interface from a Layer2 bridge-domain:
vpp# set interface l3 GigabitEthernet0/a/0.200

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: int_l2_bridge_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_input.c line 865)

Implementation: int_l2_bridge.

set interface l2 efp-filter


set interface l2 efp-filter <interface> [disable].


EFP filtering is a basic switch feature which prevents an interface from transmitting a packet that doesn't match the interface's ingress match criteria. The check has two parts, one performed before egress vlan tag rewrite and one after. This command enables or disables the EFP filtering for a given sub-interface.

Example usage
Example of how to enable a Layer 2 efp-filter on a sub-interface:
vpp# set interface l2 efp-filter GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200
Example of how to disable a Layer 2 efp-filter on a sub-interface:
vpp# set interface l2 efp-filter GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200 disable

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: int_l2_efp_filter_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_efp_filter.c line 600)

Implementation: int_l2_efp_filter.

set interface l2 flood


set interface l2 flood <interface> [disable].


Layer 2 flooding can be enabled and disabled on each interface and on each bridge-domain. Use this command to manage interfaces. It is enabled by default.

Example usage
Example of how to enable flooding:
vpp# set interface l2 flood GigabitEthernet0/8/0
Example of how to disable flooding:
vpp# set interface l2 flood GigabitEthernet0/8/0 disable

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: int_flood_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_flood.c line 555)

Implementation: int_flood.

set interface l2 forward


set interface l2 forward <interface> [disable].


Layer 2 unicast forwarding can be enabled and disabled on each interface and on each bridge-domain. Use this command to manage interfaces. It is enabled by default.

Example usage
Example of how to enable fowarding:
vpp# set interface l2 forward GigabitEthernet0/8/0
Example of how to disable fowarding:
vpp# set interface l2 forward GigabitEthernet0/8/0 disable

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: int_fwd_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_fwd.c line 539)

Implementation: int_fwd.

set interface l2 input classify


set interface l2 input classify intfc <interface-name> [ip4-table <n>]n  [ip6-table <n>] [other-table <n>].


Configure l2 input classification.

Example usage
vpp# set interface l2 input classify intfc <interface-name> [ip4-table <index>] [ip6-table <index>] [other-table <index>]
This is incomplete. This needs a detailed description and a practical example.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: int_l2_input_classify_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_input_classify.c line 655)

Implementation: int_l2_input_classify_command_fn.

set interface l2 learn


set interface l2 learn <interface> [disable].


Layer 2 learning can be enabled and disabled on each interface and on each bridge-domain. Use this command to manage interfaces. It is enabled by default.

Example usage
Example of how to enable learning:
vpp# set interface l2 learn GigabitEthernet0/8/0
Example of how to disable learning:
vpp# set interface l2 learn GigabitEthernet0/8/0 disable

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: int_learn_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_learn.c line 577)

Implementation: int_learn.

set interface l2 output classify


set interface l2 output classify intfc <<interface-name>> [ip4-table <n>]n  [ip6-table <n>] [other-table <n>].


Configure Layer 2 output classification.

Example usage
vpp# set interface l2 output classify intfc <interface-name> [ip4-table <index>] [ip6-table <index>] [other-table <index>]
This is incomplete. This needs a detailed description and a practical example.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: int_l2_output_classify_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_output_classify.c line 658)

Implementation: int_l2_output_classify_command_fn.

set interface l2 pbb-tag-rewrite


set interface l2 pbb-tag-rewrite <interface> [disable | pop | push | translate_pbb_stag <outer_tag> dmac <address> smac <address> s_id <nn> [b_vlanid <nn>]].

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: int_l2_pbb_vtr_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_vtr.c line 821)

Implementation: int_l2_pbb_vtr.

set interface l2 rewrite


set interface l2 rewrite <interface> [table <table index>] [miss-index <entry-index>].


Layer 2-Rewrite node uses classify tables to match packets. Then, using the provisioned mask and value, modfies the packet header.

Example usage
This is incomplete. This needs a detailed description and a practical example.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: l2_rw_interface_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_rw.c line 530)

Implementation: l2_rw_interface_cli_fn.

set interface l2 tag-rewrite


set interface l2 tag-rewrite <interface> [disable | pop {1|2} | push {dot1q|dot1ad} <tag> <tag>].


VLAN tag rewrite provides the ability to change the VLAN tags on a packet. Existing tags can be popped, new tags can be pushed, and existing tags can be swapped with new tags. The rewrite feature is attached to a subinterface as input and output operations. The input operation is explicitly configured. The output operation is the symmetric opposite and is automatically derived from the input operation.

POP: For pop operations, the subinterface encapsulation (the vlan tags specified when it was created) must have at least the number of popped tags. e.g. the "pop 2" operation would be rejected on a single-vlan interface. The output tag-rewrite operation for pops is to push the specified number of vlan tags onto the packet. The pushed tag values are the ones in the subinterface encapsulation.

PUSH: For push operations, the ethertype is also specified. The output tag-rewrite operation for pushes is to pop the same number of tags off the packet. If the packet doesn't have enough tags it is dropped.

Example usage

By default a subinterface has no tag-rewrite. To return a subinterface to this state use:

vpp# set interface l2 tag-rewrite GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200 disable

To pop vlan tags off packets received from a subinterface, use:

vpp# set interface l2 tag-rewrite GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200 pop 1

vpp# set interface l2 tag-rewrite GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200 pop 2

To push one or two vlan tags onto packets received from an interface, use:

vpp# set interface l2 tag-rewrite GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200 push dot1q 100

vpp# set interface l2 tag-rewrite GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200 push dot1ad 100 150

Tags can also be translated, which is basically a combination of a pop and push.

vpp# set interface l2 tag-rewrite GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200 translate 1-1 dot1ad 100

vpp# set interface l2 tag-rewrite GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200 translate 2-2 dot1ad 100 150

vpp# set interface l2 tag-rewrite GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200 translate 1-2 dot1q 100

vpp# set interface l2 tag-rewrite GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200 translate 2-1 dot1q 100 150

To display the VLAN Tag settings, show the associate bridge-domain:

vpp# show bridge-domain 200 detail

 ID   Index   Learning   U-Forwrd   UU-Flood   Flooding   ARP-Term     BVI-Intf
200     1        on         on         on         on         off          N/A

         Interface           Index  SHG  BVI        VLAN-Tag-Rewrite
 GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200      5     0    -       trans-1-1 dot1ad 100
 GigabitEthernet0/9/0.200      4     0    -               none
 GigabitEthernet0/a/0.200      6     0    -               none

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: int_l2_vtr_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_vtr.c line 677)

Implementation: int_l2_vtr.

set interface l2 xconnect


set interface l2 xconnect <interface> <peer interface>.


Use this command put an interface into Layer 2 cross-connect mode. Both interfaces must be in this mode for bi-directioal traffic. All packets received on one interface will be transmitted to the other. To remove the Layer 2 cross-connect, put the interface in a different mode, for example Layer 3 mode.

Example usage
Example of how to configure a Layer2 cross-connect between two interfaces:
vpp# set interface l2 xconnect GigabitEthernet0/8/0.300 GigabitEthernet0/9/0.300
vpp# set interface l2 xconnect GigabitEthernet0/9/0.300 GigabitEthernet0/8/0.300
Example of how to remove a Layer2 cross-connect:
vpp# set interface l3 GigabitEthernet0/8/0.300
vpp# set interface l3 GigabitEthernet0/9/0.300

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: int_l2_xc_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_input.c line 930)

Implementation: int_l2_xc.

set interface l2 xcrw


set interface l2 xcrw <interface> next <node-name>n    [del] [tx-fib-id <id>] [ipv6] rw <hex-bytes>.


Add or delete a Layer 2 to Layer 3 rewrite cross-connect. This is used to hook Layer 2 interface(s) up to the Layer 3 stack in arbitrary ways. For example, cross-connect an L2 interface or (future) bridge to an mpls-o-gre tunnel. Set up the L2 rewrite string as shown in mpls_gre_rewrite, and use "mpls-post-rewrite" to fix the GRE IP header checksum and length fields.

Example usage
This is incomplete. This needs a detailed description and a practical example.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: set_l2_xcrw_command (src/vnet/l2/l2_xcrw.c line 507)

Implementation: set_l2_xcrw_command_fn.

show bridge-domain


show bridge-domain [bridge-domain-id [detail|int|arp]].


Show a summary of all the bridge-domain instances or detailed view of a single bridge-domain. Bridge-domains are created by adding an interface to a bridge using the 'set interface l2 bridge' command.

Example usage

Example of displaying all bridge-domains:

vpp# show bridge-domain

 ID   Index   Learning   U-Forwrd   UU-Flood   Flooding   ARP-Term     BVI-Intf
 0      0        off        off        off        off        off        local0
200     1        on         on         on         on         off          N/A

Example of displaying details of a single bridge-domains:

vpp# show bridge-domain 200 detail

 ID   Index   Learning   U-Forwrd   UU-Flood   Flooding   ARP-Term     BVI-Intf
200     1        on         on         on         on         off          N/A

         Interface           Index  SHG  BVI        VLAN-Tag-Rewrite
 GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200      3     0    -               none
 GigabitEthernet0/9/0.200      4     0    -               none

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: bd_show_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_bd.c line 1077)

Implementation: bd_show.

show l2 rewrite entries


show l2 rewrite entries.


Layer 2-Rewrite node uses classify tables to match packets. Then, using the provisioned mask and value, modfies the packet header.

Example usage
This is incomplete. This needs a detailed description and a practical example.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: l2_rw_show_entries_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_rw.c line 599)

Implementation: l2_rw_show_entries_cli_fn.

show l2 rewrite interfaces


show l2 rewrite interfaces.


Layer 2-Rewrite node uses classify tables to match packets. Then, using the provisioned mask and value, modfies the packet header.

Example usage
This is incomplete. This needs a detailed description and a practical example.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: l2_rw_show_interfaces_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_rw.c line 565)

Implementation: l2_rw_show_interfaces_cli_fn.

show l2fib


show l2fib [verbose | bd_id <nn> | bd_index <nn> | raw].


This command dispays the MAC Address entries of the L2 FIB table. Output can be filtered to just get the number of MAC Addresses or display each MAC Address for all bridge domains or just a single bridge domain.

Example usage
Example of how to display the number of MAC Address entries in the L2 FIB table:
vpp# show l2fib
3 l2fib entries
Example of how to display all the MAC Address entries in the L2 FIB table:
vpp# show l2fib verbose
    Mac Address     BD Idx           Interface           Index  static  filter  bvi  refresh  timestamp
 52:54:00:53:18:33    1      GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200      3       0       0     0      0         0
 52:54:00:53:18:55    1      GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200      3       1       0     0      0         0
 52:54:00:53:18:77    1                 N/A                -1      1       1     0      0         0
3 l2fib entries

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: show_l2fib_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_fib.c line 250)

Implementation: show_l2fib.

show l2patch


Show l2 interface cross-connect entries.


Show Layer 2 patch entries.

Example usage
vpp# show l2patch
This is incomplete. This needs a detailed description and a practical example.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: show_l2patch_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_patch.c line 440)

Implementation: show_l2patch.

show l2xcrw


show l2xcrw.


Display a Layer 2 to Layer 3 rewrite cross-connect. This is used to hook Layer 2 interface(s) up to the Layer 3 stack in arbitrary ways.

This is incomplete. This needs a detailed description and a practical example.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: show_l2xcrw_command (src/vnet/l2/l2_xcrw.c line 594)

Implementation: show_l2xcrw_command_fn.

show mode


show mode [<if-name1> <if-name2> ...].


Modify the packet processing mode of the interface to Layer 3, which implies packets will be routed. This is the default mode of an interface. Use this command to remove an interface from a Layer 2 cross-connect or a Layer 2 bridge.

Example usage
Example of how to set the mode of an interface to Layer 3:
vpp# set interface l3 GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200

Show the packet processing mode (Layer2 xcross-onnect, Layer 2 bridge, Layer 3 routed) of all interfaces and sub-interfaces, or limit the output to just the provided list of interfaces and sub-interfaces. The output shows the mode, the interface, and if the interface is a member of a bridge, the bridge-domain-id and the split horizen group (shg).

Example usage
Example of displaying the mode of all interfaces:
vpp# show mode
l3 local0
l3 GigabitEthernet0/8/0
l3 GigabitEthernet0/9/0
l3 GigabitEthernet0/a/0
l2 bridge GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200 bd_id 200 shg 0
l2 bridge GigabitEthernet0/9/0.200 bd_id 200 shg 0
l2 bridge GigabitEthernet0/a/0.200 bd_id 200 shg 0
l2 xconnect GigabitEthernet0/8/0.300 GigabitEthernet0/9/0.300
l2 xconnect GigabitEthernet0/9/0.300 GigabitEthernet0/8/0.300
Example of displaying the mode of a seleted list of interfaces:
vpp# show mode GigabitEthernet0/8/0 GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200
l3 GigabitEthernet0/8/0
l2 bridge GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200 bd_id 200 shg 0

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: show_l2_mode (src/vnet/l2/l2_input.c line 1099)

Implementation: show_int_mode.

test l2fib


test l2fib [add|del|check] mac <base-addr> count <nn>.


The set of 'test l2fib' commands allow the L2 FIB table of the default bridge domain (bridge-domain-id of 0) to be modified.

Example usage

Example of how to add a set of 4 sequential MAC Address entries to L2 FIB table of the default bridge-domain:

vpp# test l2fib add mac 52:54:00:53:00:00 count 4

Show the set of 4 sequential MAC Address entries that were added:

vpp# show l2fib verbose

    Mac Address     BD Idx           Interface           Index  static  filter  bvi  refresh  timestamp
52:54:00:53:00:00    0       GigabitEthernet0/8/0.300     8       0       0     0      0         0
52:54:00:53:00:01    0       GigabitEthernet0/8/0.300     8       0       0     0      0         0
52:54:00:53:00:03    0       GigabitEthernet0/8/0.300     8       0       0     0      0         0
52:54:00:53:00:02    0       GigabitEthernet0/8/0.300     8       0       0     0      0         0
4 l2fib entries

Example of how to check that the set of 4 sequential MAC Address entries were added to L2 FIB table of the default bridge-domain. Used a count of 5 to produce an error:

vpp# test l2fib check mac 52:54:00:53:00:00 count 5

The output of the check command is in the log files. Log file location may vary based on your OS and Version:

# tail -f /var/log/messages | grep l2fib_test_command_fn

Sep 7 17:15:24 localhost vnet[4952]: l2fib_test_command_fn:446: key 52:54:00:53:00:04 AWOL

Example of how to delete a set of 4 sequential MAC Address entries from L2 FIB table of the default bridge-domain:

vpp# test l2fib del mac 52:54:00:53:00:00 count 4

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: l2fib_test_command (src/vnet/l2/l2_fib.c line 609)

Implementation: l2fib_test_command_fn.

test l2patch


test l2patch rx <intfc> tx <intfc> [del].


Create or delete a Layer 2 patch.

Example usage
vpp# test l2patch rx <intfc> tx <intfc> [del]
This is incomplete. This needs a detailed description and a practical example.

Declaration and implementation

Declaration: test_patch_command (src/vnet/l2/l2_patch.c line 388)

Implementation: test_patch_command_fn.