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VPP Normalized Comparison Across Testbeds 2n-skx to 2n-clx 4t2c pdr

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    <iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="1600" height="1200" src="../../_static/vpp/performance-compare-testbeds-2n-skx-2n-clx-4t2c-pdr_in.html"></iframe>

- Test Case:                   Test cases executed for: PDR throughput on 2n-skx and 2n-clx with xxv710.
- 2n-skx, 2n-clx:              [Mpps +- StDev] results for VPP tested in CSIT
- 2n-clx vs 2n-skx:            [% +- StDev] Relative difference, latter is the base. [N] for Root Cause Analysis (RCA) reference, see RCA list below.
- Normalized 2n-clx vs 2n-skx: [% +- StDev] Normalized relative difference, latter is the base. [N] for Root Cause Analysis (RCA) reference, see RCA list below