HTTP/TCP with WRK ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `WRK HTTP benchmarking tool `_ is used for TCP/IP and HTTP tests of VPP Host Stack and built-in static HTTP server. WRK has been chosen as it is capable of generating significant TCP/IP and HTTP loads by scaling number of threads across multi-core processors. This in turn enables high scale benchmarking of the VPP Host Stack TCP/IP and HTTP service including HTTP TCP/IP Connections-Per-Second (CPS) and HTTP Requests-Per-Second. The initial tests are designed as follows: - HTTP and TCP/IP Connections-Per-Second (CPS) - WRK configured to use 8 threads across 8 cores, 1 thread per core. - Maximum of 50 concurrent connections across all WRK threads. - Timeout for server responses set to 5 seconds. - Test duration is 30 seconds. - Expected HTTP test sequence: - Single HTTP GET Request sent per open connection. - Connection close after valid HTTP reply. - Resulting flow sequence - 8 packets: >Syn, Ack, >Req, Fin, Ack. - HTTP Requests-Per-Second - WRK configured to use 8 threads across 8 cores, 1 thread per core. - Maximum of 50 concurrent connections across all WRK threads. - Timeout for server responses set to 5 seconds. - Test duration is 30 seconds. - Expected HTTP test sequence: - Multiple HTTP GET Requests sent in sequence per open connection. - Connection close after set test duration time. - Resulting flow sequence: >Syn, Ack, >Req[1], Req[n], Fin, Ack.